Yeah, AtE has more religions than vanilla, so we ended up recycling unused vanilla religion icons. Let's take a closer look at this random world, shall we? Unfortunately, this couldn't be avoided - it was either this or having random areas with no culture at all on the map. You might have noticed some oddities, like gigantic areas that are all the same culture. Here's a look at a randomly-generated world. Yep, random worlds are fully functional within the Fan Fork now. Beware.Man, the time has just flown by, hasn't it? We're just over two weeks away from release! Sorry for the gap between dev diaries, but I've spent most of the time between then and now fixing bugs and the like.
The Empire of Brazil now rules south of the map. Added a bunch of new religions to the map.
Added a bunch of new societies, such as the Men in Black, the Ivy League, and the Bankers' Guild. Added a new Catholic heresy - Nestorianism. Added a new province - Isla Socorro, off the coast of Baja California. Adjusted de jure setup in the Northeast and SoCal - Deitschrei is now a de jure kingdom, and the Channel Islands are part of their own de jure duchy. Added two new Native American cultures to the map and split up the existing native cultures into six new culture groups (Eastern Woodlands, Algonquian, Plains, Plateau, Northwest Coast, and Subarctic). Anglicanism also has two heresies - Anglo-Catholicism and United Church. Renamed High Church to Anglicanism and split it off from Evangelical Christianity - Anglicanism is now an independent religion in the Christian group. Added Monastic Feudalism for Gaian realms. Added several denominations of Islam - Traditionalist, Imamite, and Orientalist. Added Judaism to AtE, along with a new heresy (Reform Judaism) and five playable Jewish characters in the Eastern US and Quebec. After the End Fan Fork is a fan-made continuation of the original post-apocalyptic North America mod for Crusader Kings 2, After the End.