You can also gain a point by killing a captured Legion prisoner of war. At Camp McCarran, players can gain one point during the quest “I Put a Spell on You” by either killing the Legion spy in the act or disarming the bomb for the monorail. Related: Ambitious Fallout Mod Plans to Deliver Best Star Wars Game YetĪt the Legion stronghold of Cottonwood Cove to the south-east, completing the NCR quest “Eye for an Eye” and killing every Legion soldier in the camp will reward two points. If you prefer to free the hostages, it's best to aid the NCR and their side quest “Restoring Hope,” in which NCR soldiers will assist in the attack on Nelson, making the rescue easier. Killing the hostages will give you one point while freeing them will reward two points. At the Legion-held settlement of Nelson, three NCR soldiers are being crucified that you can either mercy kill or free. Killing Vulpes nets one history point, and if done on the Strip, the Securitrons will not become hostile. He will first appear at Nipton with an entourage of legionaries but will appear again in the New Vegas Strip and at Caesar’s side in Fort. The first action that can be taken is to kill Vulpes Inculta, the leader of the Legion’s Frumentarii division. Keep in mind that if you’ve already done all of these actions before recruiting Boone, it’ll be impossible to start the quest without using console commands. These points can be gained mainly by attacking Legion forces and leaders, as well as helping prisoners and slaves. In order to start Boone’s companion quest, “I Forgot to Remember to Forget,” you’ll need to accumulate five history points when traveling with Boone.