I have the same issue! Does anyone have a fix for this problem? All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic. To retry, close the SupportAssist application and run the task again. SupportAssist was unable to complete the requested task at this time. Dell Community : Laptops : Inspiron : support assist. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. The download link you provided of the new Support Assist worked perfect. I tried downloading Support Assist again and that didn't work. I would eventually get the message an error has occurred. I had this same problem with the Support Assist running but nothing would happen no matter which task I clicked on. Having said that Dell are not a company to sit on their bums and do nothing. I am sure this problem will get resolved but a pain in the backside is a pain we can all do without. Whilst I have had problems with my new Dell their support are second to none I could not ask or wish for a more caring company to purchase a desk top from. I will uninstall reinstall when I have time. I know nothing about PCs except Dell is the best, I will never have another brand! Whilst I have this same irritating problem I did manage to run the other scans in the support assist package, alas the hardware scan will not start. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. If this problem persists, click the Get Support Tab.