Over the next 17 years, up to this very day, modders joined forces to work on New Horizons, an unfathomably deep total overhaul mod for Pirates of the Caribbean. It wasn't a great game on release, and yet it garnered a following that saw potential in the unfinished sea symphony. Aside from a few lines of narration from Keira Knightley and a retrofitted plot involving the fabled Black Pearl ship, the ties to the movies were tenuous, and development was rushed to sync up with the movie's release date. In 2003, Sea Dogs 2 was rebranded to Pirates of the Caribbean just before release, when Disney licensed it as a movie tie-in. A couple that did venture into these scarcely charted waters were the Sea Dogs and Age of Pirates series, both made by Russian studio Akella. Beyond Sid Meier's Pirates, there aren't that many games that have attempted serious pirate simulation.